How to create a Facebook Business Manager Account.
We get asked this question all the time so wanted to explain the best way to set up your Facebook Business Manager Account and take control of your social accounts.
Facebook Business Manager is a powerful tool for businesses that need multiple people involved in managing Facebook and Instagram, have multiple assets to manage, or want deeper insights into audiences and targeting. This quick guide will help you and your team get up and running quickly.
STEP 1: CREATE YOUR BUSINESS MANAGERThis is fairly straightforward: Make sure that you are logged into Facebook with the profile that you use to manage your business page(s). Then, navigate to Facebook Biz Manager and follow the prompts to set up your business manager. If you have multiple pages that you manage, choose a name for your Business Manager that makes sense for all of those pages. Facebook will limit you to two Business Managers per profile. STEP 2: ADD YOUR PEOPLEBusiness Manager can be tough to navigate at first. If you feel lost keep these 2 things in mind:The “Business Settings” page is your best friend. Depending on what screen you are on, there will be a blue button at the top right to help you get there, or you can use the giant pop up menu accessed by clicking on the three lines and “business manager” at the top left of the page. Business settings is on the far right column of that menu.
Alternatively, you can find just about anything you are looking for by using the search bar at the top of business manager. I use the search feature frequently to navigate to “audiences”.
Once you have found your way to the Business Settings page, you will see a long list of assets in the far left column and you should have selected “people” by default. At the top of the next column to the right, there is a blue “Add” button. Use this to add everyone on your team that you want involved in your Facebook/Instagram marketing activities. You will want to invite your team using the email addresses that they use to login to Facebook. They will receive a notification in their Facebook profile to accept their new role in Business Manager.
There are two “role” options that you can choose for each person: Employee or Admin. Keep in mind that these roles are not connected to each person’s role on your various assets (like your page). You will be able to assign a role for each person to your various assets after they are created and connected to Business Manager.
For example, an “employee” on Business Manager could be an Admin for your Page and Ad Account. Choose Admins for your Business Manager that you want to allow to manage the rest of your team. They will have the ability to set asset roles as well as add and remove new team members and assets.
If you work with an expert to help create your accounts, like us perhaps : ) that you want to grant access to your Page (or other assets), select the “Assign Partner” button at the top of the middle column. You can assign a role for the Partner when you add them and edit it at any time.
Our business ID is: 11054 96059 473516
The next asset to set up your Facebook Ad Accounts. The process is similar to Pages, use the Blue “Add” button to add your Ad Accounts and then add your People and Partners and select their roles. Details of Ad Account Roles/Permissions can be found here.
If you are adding multiple accounts, name them in a way that helps you stay organised ( ad account, ad account, etc.)
Once your Ad Account(s) is created and Permissions are assigned, click on the small link in the greyish/blue box at the top right that says “View Payment Methods”. From the next screen you can add your Credit Card, Bank, or PayPal information that you want to use to pay for your ad campaigns.
If you run into trouble or wish we’d gone into more depth on a particular section let us know. Anything to add that might help other?
We’d love to hear from you in the comments.
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